Now that Roadtrip 2.0: The Mayhem Edition is officially over, we’ve started considering other travel options. While we knew we’d be leaving the U.S. sometime in the next few months, we really hadn’t gotten around to figuring out those pesky details (like when, where, or how).
And then we discovered housesitting.
A few months ago Dalene and Peter of Hecktic Travels posted their Housesitting 101 tips and inspired us to give it a whirl.
We signed up for a few websites, emailed approximately a bajillion people throughout Europe, and eventually connected with a fabulous couple in London who asked us to housesit during the month of August.
Yep, not only do we get to chill in one of the most awesome cities evah during one of the best months to visit, but the accommodations are free and THERE’S EVEN A CAT!
How fracking rad, right?
But I’m not writing this post just to brag about our incredible luck — we also need some help. Specifically:
I’m not talking about the obvious stuff; of course we’re going to harass the guards at Buckingham Palace, check the time at Big Ben, and eat some gawd-awful steak and kidney pie.
But what else?
- What are your “off the beaten path” recommendations?
- What neighborhood has the best coffee shops (with the hottest baristas)?
- What places do we have to eat at?
- Where do hip twenty-somethings go to chill on a warm August afternoon?
- What are your favorite day-trips from London, or places to see the English countryside?
We have an entire month in London, and we’d like to explore all its nooks and crannies. So please, dear comrades, give us the 4-1-1!