Coffee for some is like their religion and to many around the world a day without a cup of the strong stuff is enough to make them shudder. These then are the ideal people to…
Mdina, Malta’s Ancient “Silent City”
While Malta's gorgeous, crystal-clear water makes it best known today as a Mediterranean vacation hotspot, the island nation also has its share of incredible history. The land was settled in 5200 BCE - almost seven…
The Mediterranean Beauty of Malta
Malta. Where is it? How did we end up there? Did we love it? Will we ever go back? The story begins in London, where we spent most of August trying to decide where we…
What IS the Cotswolds? And why is it…
The Cotswolds is remarkably ill-defined for such a well-known region. Is it... a town? A county? A group of towns and counties formed just to justify the plurality of the name? Well, yes. And no.…
We Need Your Help!
The popular travel community Tripping ("where travelers meet locals") is running a fabulous contest to win TWO FREE round-trip tickets to anywhere in the world... And we're in the running! All we need is YOUR…
Unexpected Perils of the Roman Baths
The first thing we heard upon arriving at the Roman Baths was "Don't drink the water!", which actually seems like pretty obvious advice once you see it; I have a hard time imagining tourists lining…
Are tours a good option for budget travelers?
We've always been a little hesitant about booking tours during our travels... and by "hesitant" I mean we've never actually been on one. Our concern was threefold: Tours would probably be prohibitively expensive, and at…
How much does it cost to live in…
One of the most popular things we did while driving around the U.S. in our RV last year was to keep track of our monthly travel expenses, which we published at the end of our…
Photo Essay: London
We were lucky enough to spend the entire month of August housesitting in London, where we fell head-over-heels in love with the city almost immediately. We thought we'd have plenty of time to see the…