/New to Technosyncratic? Start Here!

New to Technosyncratic? Start Here!


Navigating a new site can be overwhelming, so we thought we’d give you a hand by compiling a crib sheet of our most popular (and hopefully most helpful) resources.

These are just the highlights, though — if you want it all you can see the entire list of articles on the All Posts page.


The original owners of this site, Christy and Kali, spent a year (June 2010 to July 2011) living in a motorhome dubbed Mayhem and traveling around the U.S. If you want to learn more about that adventure and read up on their tips for fulltime RVing, this is the place to start:

Mayhem parked at Honeymoon Island State Park, FL



In addition to providing their monthly breakdown on the travel costs of living in an RV, Christy and Kali also documented their costs each month while they traveled abroad.

The posts include transportation, accommodation, food (groceries and eating out), attractions, and miscellaneous costs, with a daily average calculated for each month.


The City of Bath, Somerset, England Zion National Park, UT Yachats, OR

Check out some photos essays below or view the Photos page for links to view albums directly on Facebook.


Hopefully that’s enough to get you started… if you have any questions (about anything!), please don’t hesitate to contact us!