In todays virtual world of digitized media and press related script, it’s easy to forget that people can actually still write. The power of the printed word can still hold sway and change lives and even regimes (watch CNN and see leaflets being dropped from above in the likes of Tunisia and Libya). Social media is taking over apparently but there are still advantages of the written word.
First of all, people actually pay attention to something that is written down. You cannot just scroll it up or down, left or right, like or share. You actually have to read it! And that’s the thing, paying attention to things is becoming a lost art. Another advantage is that you can target your particular audience. If you have a product, not everybody admittedly wants that item, so selective marketing stop the fact that you are wasting valuable time effort and most importantly money on the wrong customer base.
Secondly, you are introducing specific customers to products that you know they are interested in. Psychologically, it has a personal connection because the customer feels that you are contacting them directly with something they want. And incidentally you are introducing customers to new products that they may not be aware of, so as a marketing strategy it is a win win.
One way to make sure that what you are promising to deliver what you say you are is to use a reliable delivery service, and a package only ever gets to where it needs to be if it is properly addressed and particular services offered by companies for integrated label forms are always worth investigating. They offer safe, secure and economical services to dispatch your products to anywhere you need them to be.
For sure, marketing and advertising are always going to br an integral part of your business however, delivering what you say you can deliver to your customer will either make or break your business.