/How to Find Internet Access When Traveling

How to Find Internet Access When Traveling

If you’re a regular traveler or just heading off for a one-time journey, chances are you’ll want to be able to access the internet. Good internet access is not a luxury anymore; it is something that most people want and need to conduct their lives. Maybe you’re a digital nomad who lives and works abroad, connecting from wherever you are in the world. Or maybe you’re heading off for a few months living abroad, and need to be able to connect back to home regulary. We all need the Internet to share our experiences traveling, make travel plans on the go and connect with people throughout our lives. So the prospect of not having internet access abroad is quite terrifying for some people, especially if they rely on having the internet to earn an income.

Luckily, there are lots of great options when it comes to mobile internet access when traveling. If you find yourself in a place without a good internet connection, you don’t have to resort to only checking your email once a week in a super crowded internet cafe. You can just read on to learn some tips about accessing mobile internet connection abroad!


Finding internet connection

The good news is that WiFi is quite prevalent in many popular travel destinations these days, especially in the West. So if you are backpacking through Europe, for example, you will most likely have little to no problems connecting to WiFi regularly. Cafes, hostels, and hotels will all have internet access for you, so the most you’ll need to do is buy a cup of coffee. Many travelers live and work abroad this way, making local coffee shops their office for the day. It’s a great way to live with a total sense of freedom and independence.

If you’re traveling somewhere like Asia, you might find a bit of a different story when it comes to the quality of internet access. Especially if you are island hopping around, you will find internet access to be more shotty. However, come countries like Thailand provide consistently good internet in their cafes and hostels. Many expats live and work abroad in Thailand for this reason. An island country like Indonesia, however, is more difficult to find consistently strong WiFi. You can find it at some cafes and hostels but you will have to look harder.

Mobile broadband

In a case like the one mentioned above, when you are traveling and can’t find a strong internet signal, you have the option of purchasing a mobile broadband plan. This is highly recommended especially if you really need the internet to work. Mobile broadband plans are quite cheap, especially in Asia, so you’ll pay just $10-20 per month for unlimited internet access that is quite reliable.  If you get mobile broadband from iiNet, you’ll find yourself able to work with ease and connect with anyone you need to around the world. This makes it so much easier to travel long-term and really consider this your lifestyle.