Buying a credit card processing machine can be expensive. As a business owner, you should know that there are options other than purchasing. Find out more about your options to rent credit card machines and what to know before you do.
Why Rent a Credit Card Machine
There might be certain events or occasions that call for more hands on deck within your business. Perhaps your business will be part of a weekend festival or fair and you do not have the necessary POS machine to get the job done at a temporary location. Consider renting a credit card machine such as the Clover Station POS, for a temporary amount of time in order to meet your sales and customer needs. Not only will this help you process payments, but it will also allow you to maintain a professional image.
What You Should Know Before You Rent
Credit card machines can be rented by various companies for a minimal fee. These fees vary depending upon the vendor so be sure to speak with your merchant account provider to get the best deal. The vendor will require you to sign a contract prior to receiving the rental equipment. Be sure to read the contract thoroughly before you sign it, as you should be sure that you are getting what you asked for and there are no hidden fees or any other concerns.
Some vendors allow you to rent the equipment for a few days or a few months, depending on your needs and the availability. There is also sometimes an option for renting to own, which means that you could rent the equipment and pay as you go until the total price is paid off and the equipment is yours to own. This might be a good option for new business owners who might not have the funds to purchase a credit card machine right away. Whatever your reason for renting, speak to your merchant account in detail so that they can help direct you to the best option for your business.